The Life And Times Of JB

"I'm not an MC, I'm not a G, I mean I'm A to Z - and everything in between."

The song of the moment (December 14, 2007) is "Even If It Kills Me" by Motion City Soundtrack

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

(Sort of) a fun run ...

Three months of training and exercise finally paid off on Sunday with the successful completion of The Age Run To The G in Melbourne (by successful, I mean finishing without stopping or walking)!

My final time was just a tad over 64 minutes to finish in 3154th position! Here's a funny photo of myself and my housemate/running buddy/partner-in-crime/potential action figure, S to the D'A. I look so hot right now in my tights and headband!


  • At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey I read your cool new blog page. Totally wild man. Like totally cool. I'm a sweet 16 year old from America and I like to wear cherry blossom skirts on those hot summer days. Oh how the heat makes me want to run and play. WOW - this S to the D'A sounds so hot right now. Is he like your District Attorney or something? My daddy is the DA here. I did some work with him last Fall in the office and totally fell for this cute guy he had working for him. But when I agreed to let him issue me with a a supena I didn't know what sort of trouble he would get into. I told him I had never heard that he could admit me. Now he's up state and I feel kinda bad. But that's like totally okay now. I am seeing a new guy, he plays quarter back at the junior high. He's so big and manly and sweet as... well you know. S to the D'A sounds just like my Jaydee. Hey do you like American politics? I just love to get on the web and blog about fillibusters and senate committees. i feel strongly that the President was at the whim of the Minorty Leader on his refusal to give an up or down vote on the appointment of new Justices to the Supreme Curcuit. At least, that's what my Daddy says. he he. Anyway it's sure been nice bloggin but I got to run now. The sodie pop van is coming up our drive. Even thought it takes him a long time to reach the door because we are like so filthy rich and have an enourmous house probably double the size of any Suatralian state - do they really have hoppers in the main streets down under - I like to get their early and twiddle my golden pony tales and hold my nickles.


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