The Life And Times Of JB

"I'm not an MC, I'm not a G, I mean I'm A to Z - and everything in between."

The song of the moment (December 14, 2007) is "Even If It Kills Me" by Motion City Soundtrack

Sunday, July 08, 2007

An ode to inner-city living ...

This image brings back memories for me, just as I imagine it would for the British Slugg and the DA from the OG. I put it up here to serve as a reminder of the good times that were had living in South Melbourne and as inspiration for looking at a (small and modest) place to buy. Poppa Blog and I ventured up the road yesterday to look at several likely prospects and, in turn, discovered the grotty, unscrupulous and sometimes downright unethical world of real estate in Melbourne and the people who make a good - but far from honest - living from the industry they serve. Apparently my late grandfather called them "starvation agents" and after yesterday's events, he wasn't far from the truth.

And with this post, I'm back. Sort of.


  • At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    The old pad bring backs the memories of Home Brew, late nights watching music DVD's and the odd tennis match and swimming comps.

    Not good news on the property from, but Geelong's got a few nice places on the market. Been looking myself for an investment.

  • At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ...and coffee machines and men in tights and fish finger sandwhiches and the simpsons and drum sticks and missing drum sticks and found again drum sticks and card games and the west wing and hottie neighbours (...not the tabloid press kind) and almost-there reverse parking and channel 7's rooftop self-storage facility and hearts won and lost and femme fatals and x box and that skater boy game one of us never mastered and what the guv was doing and what the guvs aide was doing and home delivered JB's chronicles (the broadsheet) and the missing home delivered JB chronicles and reading other people's mail (is that still an offence?) and the scantily clad clohtes horse (clydsdale) and a beer on the balcony on a lazy summer's work night and the erection (what? I mean Grollo's big one... the Eureka tower) and the great cup day ticket scam and straight up daddy mac ice cube and the OC and the OG and walk outs (of both kinds) at Cats v Woods and clean ups and more cleans ups and more clean ups and any cafe that served a king sized cooked breakfast and the south melbourne market and the prettiest Coles product logistics coordinator (checkout chick) and two cousins pretending the other was an aide de campe at the register and the long walk home.

    It is from that very corner m'maties that my compass is set.

    DA (back in).

  • At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Another quality piece of writing from the DA.

    "An outstanding reflection of the 403 experience" Five stars - British Slugg review

  • At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Is that the DA ... back in chambers?

    Your wit has been missed in these parts. DA, DA, where are thou, DA?

  • At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Slugg does the Review have a girl on page three? I want a copy. The DA has missed writing in the blog too. JB don't shut her down. It would be an indiscretion of the scale of George Michael or Alan Jones visiting a public facility. haha. Early call (cats by 19 this weekend).


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